Thursday, February 12, 2009


I found a few random pictures to post...but not much to post about. The weather here in Idaho is still cold. My job, is still hard but I'm liking it. Eric's business is taking up a LOT of his time, but it is growing and those two are working hard.
Oh, and ....I chopped and dyed my hair. So here it is. Not the best picture, but the only one I have. Gotta love my dog trying to bite my hand. Truth is, I hate it. The color I like, but the cut is awful. The girl cut it crooked, so there is a huge hole in the side, but I'm not cutting it again, til its a little longer. I didn't want it to be any shorter right now.

One afternoon we took the dogs up the mountain and played in the snow. They are so funny. Mine hope through the snow like bunnies, and I did give in and buy them jackets for outside. Eric face planted it coming down a hill after a picture.

This is just a random pic of Michael, Alicia and I after I got back from Cabo.

After chasing my dogs down in the snow.

This is Marnie's kids and I before I left move to idaho. I love love LOVE these kids. So fun and so sad to leave them.


Anonymous said...

Love the pic. of you Alicia, and Michael! I miss all you guys. I love how tan you are! :) You look so good, I'm glad your happy.

Dustin said...
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The Frandsens said...

Well this is a post late, but your new place is beautiful! Playing in the snow looks like fun, cute dogs and nieces/nephews. And yes, you should come visit about tomorrow??