Thursday, June 24, 2010

Is it time????

Well, I have debated and debated on when to post THIS....of all posts. I think many of you will agree it is definitely a delicate matter, and timing is important.

Well....Here goes. Somewheres...around the 7th of January 2011.....the newest addition of our little family should be making their grand entrance. That's right folks! After about 10 months of trying, 2 rounds of clomid,(which I realize is very minor), the worst Hot Flashes I have EVER experienced in my life, we finally will be having a baby! We couldn't be more excited,,,,or more nervous. I'm 12 weeks this Friday, and feel like it's time to share the news.

On August 23rd we will find out if it's a Him or a Her....(though I keep thinking girl)-Any guesses?

Anyway....that's the latest and greatest from the Zweifel household. Now I have only months to train my dogs they CAN'T jump up on everything. There is work to do....OH, and if this nausea could stop anytime soon,,,,that would be AWESOME!



Robin said...

Congratulations SKeezie. Such wonderful news. How do you get dogs emotionally ready for a baby when they have been your babies?! So excited for you guys.

Photography by Cassie said...

Oh my goodness! Congratulations you guys! I'm so excited for you. Don't worry, the morning sickness that comes at all times of the day will go away very soon! :) Keep us updated!

Workmans said...

That is sooo exciting!! Hang in there with the feeling yucky part. It's all so worth it!! Oh I hope it's ok I stole your blog off my cousin Jamie's. I was so excited to see that you had one. Good Luck with everything!

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

I am soo excited for you guys!! That's so fun! I just had to giggle when you talked about Clomid hot flashes. I have never experienced anything so brutal in my life. I could go from fully normal to outrageously INSANE in about 2.3 seconds. Thank heaven that is over for you!!! Keep the updates coming. Belly shots, etc. :)

The Frandsens said...

Congrats! That is so exciting!! I hope you get feeling better soon!

Sarah Pace said...

YEAH!!! congrats, thats exiting! your gonna be such a fun mom!!! hope you start feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!!! That is so awesome! I am so happy for you...Plus I can't wait to see you get ya and good luck!

Bree said...

YAY! I'm so happy for you!!!! I miss you!! And I'm so excited! Much love from good ole' TMC!!

Scott and Candice Moore said...

Oh Skeezie! I'm so excited and happy for you guys! Congrats and I hope things go smootly for you the next few months, all though I would be lying if I said it was easy cause it's not but it is sooo worth it as you very well know!

Shannon said...

That's so exciting! Congrats!!

RichardandLinda said...

We are SO excited for you!

Emily and Ethan said...

I am sooooo excited!!!! You guys are going to be great parents!

Emily and Ethan said...

your blog looks amazing. You are just so talented!

Jeff and Rachell Massey said...

Congrats Skeezie that is so wonderful! Jeff and I tried for 8.5 years and I did that clomid stuff and It is HORRABLE!! jeff calls clomid the crazy pills :) I hope that everything is perfect. I know that when I finally had my little boy it was just that .....perfect!!

Gina said...

Yay! Congratulations!!! How exciting!!!!! Enjoy all the anticipation and preparations, because it's never the same :)

Hill Family said...

That's wonderful guys! We are so excited for you:)

Teddy said...

Wahoo, I'm so glad you found me! And you're going to have a baby, how wonderful and exciting! You still look as beautiful as ever; e-mail me and let me know what else you're up to!